We expect to experience cold temperatures this week. Due to this weather, the hourly market price could be higher than usual. To help you prepare, please keep an eye on the live prices page, review your Hourly Pricing Alert preferences and visit the Winter Guide for more tips to save.

Maximize your savings from solar generation. With ComEd’s Hourly Pricing and solar energy, you could spend less money on your monthly energy bills and more on what matters most to you, like saving up for a rainy day.

Solar + Hourly Pricing Can Help You Save

ComEd’s Hourly Pricing is an electric supply rate that lets you pay for electricity at the hourly market price. By shifting some of your energy use to lower-priced hours, you could save money on your monthly bills.

Homes with on-site solar panels participate in Net Metering through ComEd. And Net Metering customers have a unique opportunity to save with Hourly Pricing.

Homeowners with solar installations can increase their savings with Hourly Pricing.

  • On sunny days—when hourly market prices tend to be high—your solar panels can produce more electricity than you use.
  • When this happens, you earn net metering credits, which are calculated at the time they were generated.
  • So when the hourly market price is higher, like during a hot sunny day, your credits have a higher value.
  • Credits are applied to your bill and can help lower your monthly energy cost.
  • When credits exceed the cost of your bill, they’re applied to the following billing cycle for a lower future bill!

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Customer Testimonials

Opportunity to Save While Powering Your Home

Hourly Pricing participants with Net Metering have saved an average of 30% on their energy supply costs compared to ComEd’s default fixed-price rate.

This is double the average 15% savings of Hourly Pricing participants without Net Metering.*

Join over 2,000 Hourly Pricing participants with Net Metering who have maximized their energy savings after joining Hourly Pricing.

*Hourly Pricing participants with Net Metering have saved an average of 30% on their electric supply costs, based on results from May 2018 to December 2023. During that same time, all Hourly Pricing participants saved an average of 15% on their electric supply.

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What Is Net Metering?

If you are not powering your home with ComEd’s Net Metering program, here’s what you need to know!

Net Metering provides customers with credits for the excess energy they generate from a solar system. This excess energy flows into the electric grid.

If the credits exceed the cost of your bill, they’re applied to the following billing cycle to save you money in the future.

Additional Resources

What is Community Solar?

Some roofs aren’t ideal for a private solar energy system. With a community solar subscription, renters and homeowners can access the benefits of solar energy without installing solar panels at home. Residents subscribe to a community solar project and receive credits on their ComEd bill for energy generated by the solar project.

When community solar subscribers enroll in Hourly Pricing, they can save by shifting their energy use to lower-priced hours.

Additional Resources

Combine Hourly Pricing and solar energy to maximize your savings potential while contributing to a cleaner tomorrow!

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Questions? We’re here for you! Talk with an Hourly Pricing specialist.